zondag 30 maart 2008

walhalla here i come

today, i hear the bees buzzing, i see the birds flying, the children play. i can smell the trees again, after such a long, dark period. i'm in love. yes, i've been in love before. i've been here before, in this sunny world where normal people can't come.
 i have it bad this time. 
once again i can't eat without my stomic turning and protesting, i can't sleep like i should,
and i can't think about anything else. the walls of my life are painted pink, by the very person i love. i don't think he realises it fully how i'm floating by the sound of his voice, the smell of his skin, the look on his face when he calls my name. this is my walhalla. my nirvana. my heaven where i'm still alive in. i allways said to myself to not throw myself for the wolves like this, but i can't help it. he's the star above my head right now. my do-it-yourself-everything. this might be a lovesong. i used to hate lovesongs. now i can only love. it comes spilling out trough the words i speak.trough the things i do.
 call me a dreamer. i'll tell you this is my favourite lightmare. <3

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