maandag 22 oktober 2007


your time is ticking away on my meadows of yesterday. but what is time? how important is that that everybody wants that badly? people say time heals the wounds.  time heals the wounds. maybe some wounds can't be heald by time. than what can you do about that? more time? more everthing-curing medicin? maybe time doesn't heal the wounds. time gives you the oppertunity to heal them yourslef. time tells you that it's over. that the wounds, no matter how deep, won't be closed anymore, because what time gives, he doesn't take back. wheter you asked fot it or not. maybe time didn't braught us together. maybe this wasn't planned? than it's all a paper dream. a fool's fantasy. only braugt by time to slaughter the flesh and skin the life. this wound won't heel. this wound is still raw and deep like it allways was, for as long as i can remember. i can't rewind this pain. i can't cure this timebom. allready expoded, but still ticking. still ticking...

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