maandag 12 mei 2008


i... can't... take... this... not... much... longer. it's pushing me off the edge. my overfull mind is about to explode. i'm going crazy. my castel made of sand is collapsing. poison in my veins. black oil filling my body with crazy taughts and hopes about sunshine in hell.  those words. those words you say to me go right trough my soul. yes, i'm faling deeper and deeper into my own burning destiny. chasing peace in my head. i don't know my place in this world no more. i can't breath no more like i should. smothering in my demons i created. i can't destroy this paper walls to search for my happy ever after. no glorious day, no sunshine mornings. bottled fear in a garden of eden. hold my hand while i'm running. try to catch me if i eventually fall bacause of the wolves that haunt me. waving the white flag, begging for mercy. hate is not a crime today. it's a simple part of surviving in the world i found once again.

try not to find
what ever you see
it's just left behind
by what once was me

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